Sunday 16 November 2008

forgetting history

Seems that the world over, not just British people are forgetting the past and sleepwalking into the same mistakes again.

Using britain as an example, the BNP (british nazi party [despite their claims the N stands for national, they have strong Nazi leanings]) have been making gains in local elections. Why? as usual the "working class" (shame most have never bothered looking for work) believe the crap that the tabloids spew about "IMMIGRANTS STEALING OUR JOBS" "CHILDREN RAPED BY MUSLIMS" etc etc etc ("newspapers" who when proven wrong use the smallest point type they can get away with and a boring page and print a "retraction")

Said "working class" then decide that the other parties are "on the side of the d**kies, better vote for the BNP to protect the "our race" " and then "I'm not a racist but" <- translated "I feel I have to say that as if people find out the truth then I'll look bad" - Result bunch of xenophobic racists get elected onto councils and try and push through their nasty little agenda.

They are getting sneakier though, playing down their Nazi-like and racist views and playing up their BS that they are the "party of the pure working classs people"; they all sicken me.

Doesn't surprise me the govt doesnt have the spine to outlaw them, they think it might offend a few potential voters. Also it doesn't surprise me that Nick Griffin managed to slip off the hook, trial by jury is a farce in this country given that they don't seem to check for pro defendant bias.

I can see another holocaust coming, and it likely will start in Britain when the "New Labour" party think they are becoming "irrelevant" and Jacqui Smith suggests that the BNP might be good coalition partners to bring the right into the fold; heck she has enough far right views for being a centre left politician.

Why Britain has never implemented holocaust denial laws like Austria etc I don't know. It would have stamped on the likes of Nick Griffin, David Irvine and others of their disgusting ilk a long time ago.

Also if the Schools system had not preached "only white people are racist" then perhaps this problem would be less epidemic as well as banning so called "positive discrimination" [theres an oxymoron] otherwise known as "affirmative action to those of the north american persuasion. If people were truly judged on their merits then there would be much less of a breeding ground for hatred.

Instead we have HR types recruiting people they think will make them look inclusive, usually by interviewing only those who fit a set of checkboxes or by picking names which sound "inclusive".

Which breeds resentment as it quickly becomes apparent that the postholder got the job based on their gender, race, religion or some other pointless factor; rather than skill. When challenged either said recruiter denys they have done the above or shouts "sexist, racist!!" at the top of their lungs.

Giving someone a job based on some artifical factors is not only wrong it is demeaning for the person being given the job, however many see these policies as an easy way to the good life and a way to even up the historical balance of wrongs.

I just think....2 wrongs dont make a right.

Lastly detaining people without trial is daft, follow them yes, keep them under tabs yes, make it clear that they are being watched and they become useless as a terrorist if they are one. Locking someone up without charge....that is totalitarian and wrong, but as usual "its to keep us all safe" / "if you oppose me you side with the terrorists and I wont take no for an answer"

Anyone who gives up liberty for security deserves neither << quote from a good man, I'll let you all look it up

I think the govt want a race riot so they can declare martial law and enact their wet dream -> an amalgam of V for Vendetta and 1984, where people are watched 24/7/365, children are taught to spy on adults (already happening with financial rewards given to those who accuse someone), people being made to dissappear (42 days detention...start of that slippery slope), torture (rendition, waterboarding ring any bells?)

Frankly all this makes me very nervous for the future, for myself and for kids growing up listening to wall to wall government propaganda - BBC which after the gilligan saga has become the government mouth piece heavily supporting any announcements by the govt and giving little or no coverage to those opposing anything controversial; usually giving the impression those opposed are cranks or terrorist sympathisers. sickening really, but unsurprising given they want to gain favour and extra money.

Seems that Canada might be a good option....then again their government seems to be getting more of the same ideas; and as good as avoiding answering questions

Here I was thinking we were making progress...seems 9/11 stuck us back on a course to oppression and suppression

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